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Literally, anything can be found on the Internet today. If you are looking for goods or services, you will probably find it on the Web. Some websites are also designed to allow you to purchase and deliver your products at your door. However, you cannot just create a website & think that's enough. It's never enough if you want to spread the reach of your business. You need to promote your brand as is this case with your competitors. Every business & brand competes for the attention of internet users because they use search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo! to view these websites. Now the question is How will you promote your brand? How can you get your site in the top rank in search engines? The answer is SEO.

You've certainly heard about SEO, and let us explain it to you if you haven't. SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization." SEO focuses on improving the visibility of your website in major search engines ' organic search results. It is the process of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic on your website through the results of organic search engines. It requires basic knowledge about search engines, what people look for, why and how people search. A successful SEO makes a website attractive to visitors and search engines. Now let's understand the importance of SEO.

Why is SEO important to you & your business?

SEO consists of a series of different elements, so understanding what they are and how they function is important to understand why SEO is so important. SEO is important in making the website more visible which means higher traffic and more opportunities to transform visitors into potential customers. It is also a valuable tool for brand awareness, for creating opportunities and positioning yourselves in your field as a trustworthy expert. Nowadays, modern buyers like to search and know more about a product or a business before making a purchase. Brands that do not step up to take the initiative to utilize and appreciate SEO's significance will be left behind and miss out on a lot of value they might bring to their brand. In order to rank better in search engines and to fit the needs of your viewers, Your website must be full of quality and well-optimized content tailored to your audience's needs. Google, Bing, Yahoo! and other search engines list websites to create an order based on various ranking algorithms.

In short, the main objective of having a successful SEO is to prove your value to the search engines. Once they know your worth your pages will be highly ranked for content-related queries. SEO done in the right way creates an amazing user experience for the customer and increases their confidence in the company. Click here to gain in-depth knowledge about the importance of SEO

Have you ever wondered how does google or any other search engine like Bing or Yahoo! show you a list of the query you just entered in the search bar, within a few seconds? Magic? Nah Logic! Let’s see how it’s done.

To determine the search results, Google uses a unique algorithm. Google, like most search engines, utilizes automated programs known as spiders or crawlers (No! not actual spiders & crawlers) to generate search results. Google has a huge database of keywords that help determine the outcome of the search. Google stands out because of the way it ranks its results, which defines the order Google shows results on its results pages of the search engine. Google uses a registered PageRank algorithm which assigns each Web page with a corresponding ranking.

You might still be thinking about what do we mean by spiders & crawlers! Search engine spiders (also known as crawlers) use Internet search engines to gather information about websites or specific webpages. Every Website & Webpage is important for search engines. They need information from all the websites & pages; else, they would not know what pages to show in regard to a query and with what priority. These spiders crawl over the Web and generate website queues for further analysis. Once a spider covers a website, it starts to scan all the text, hyperlink & meta-tags. The spider then sends a profile to the search engines using this information. Next, It collects detailed information by following the webpage’s hyperlinks, which provides it a greater collection of data on those pages. This is why it is so important for the search engines to find your Website through links on your Web page – and even more so other Web pages linking to your own.

The Spider (or Crawlers) have four primary methods of collecting information. One spider is only used to create queues for webpages that the other spiders have searched for. Working in the first mode – known as the “selection mode”, this spider prioritizes which pages to go through and checks whether an older version of a page has been downloaded already. A spider is specifically designed to go through pages that a spider has already crawled. This mode is known as “re-visitation” mode (the second mode). Many search engines are worried that other spiders have crawled a page too thoroughly, so they use a "politeness" spider mode, which restricts overworked sites from crawling. In the end, the “parallelization” mode enables a spider to align its efforts at data collection with other spiders that crawl over the same page.

If you think you have learned everything about SEO, Think Again! There is always something more to learn. In the online world, SEO evolves more quickly than almost anything else, so the content will fail if you don't keep up. While SEO is constantly changing, being flexible helps you to stay ahead of it and continue to create quality content, even in today's amazing new SEO environment.

SEO can be overwhelming for most businesses. Many businesses feel exhausted at the thought of keyword studies, developing connections, improving onsite, producing advertising, marketing planning, meta information and analysis. Nevertheless, for a successful SEO, you need to understand a few basic & important elements that can get your business to the next level. Click here to learn more about these elements.


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